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Animal Husbandry

Important Diseases of Cattle and Buffaloes

There are two types of diseases mainly seen in animals.

A) CONTAGIOUS: As the name its elf suggests, contagious diseases are those which spread by contact/nearness of the animal.

B) INFECTIOUS :These are diseases which are caused due to infective agent. (Virus or Bacteria or Fungus).All contagious diseases are infectious but all infectious deseases are not contagious.

Important ones : RINDERPEST, FOOT AND MOUTH, EPHIMORAL DISEASE, Blue tongue , Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis Malignant Catarrhal fever, Rabies

Rinderpest disease : causes diarrhoea, high fever and death. Effective vaccine control has controlled this disease in animals since 1998. There are no outbreaks recorded since them.

Foot & Mouth Disease : It is a viral disease. It has four main strains observed in India.(A,O,C,Asia I). In the symptoms animal goes lame. There is profuse salivation, animal goes lame. This disease has severe economic impact, on animal production (milk & Traction/Transport) This disease does not result in mortality (except few cases in calves). Disease can be prevented by undertaking regular vaccination. There are two types of vaccines. Aluminium hydroxide Gel and oil adjuvant vaccine. Both the vaccines are effective and useful.1st dose of vaccine is given at 2-3 month age . There after vaccine is given every 3 months as per the advice of the Veterinarian.

EPHIMERAL DISEASE :This viral disease is transmitted by insects. Animal shows high fever (104-105 F) and pain in muscles and joints. Animal is unable to walk, eat and ruminate. In India there is no vaccine against this disease. Symptomatic treatment such as non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, soda alycylus,, potassium iodide is given/venously. The course of the disease is for 4 to 7 days. Animal recovers of its own. Good nursing care is essential.

I.B.R INFECTIOUS BOVINE RHINOTRACHEITIS : It is a new emerging disease causing abortion, repeat breeding and infertility. It is estimate that nearly 30% of cross breads are affected. It shows various clinical symptoms. Respiratory disease (I B R) Genital disorders (IPV)infectious pustular vulvo-vaginitis in heifers/cows/buffaloes and infectious pustular balanoposthitis (IPB) in bulls. Infections of eye, nervous symptoms, etc. In India it was first recorded in 1976. Diagnosis is done by serological examination. Prevention is done by using oil adjuvant vaccine.

Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF) :All ages of animals are suseptible. There is Eye and Nose discharges, high fever, gastroenteritis,dyspnoea. Muzzle is red. There is central nervous system involvement.

The disease is suspected to be transmitted by insects. Recovered animals may carry virus for some months. In per acute cases animal dies within one to three days. In most common form there is drop in the milk. Acute gastro enteritis, swollen nasal mucous memberance high fever (104 to 105F),odema of eyelids, muzzle is red. There is foetid diarrhoea. There may be severe nervous dipression. Necrosis of skin over udder and teats may also be seen. Urine may be red because of free lesion .In bladder. Disease runs a course of 3 to 7 days. There is no effective treatment. Oxytetracycline intravenously, vit A, and good nursing can be carried out. Quarantine and slaughter are suggested for control.

RABIES: This viral disease is caused due to bite of an infected animal such as Dog,Cat,Fox,Bat or other domestic animal with a penetrating bitting wounds. Virus travels through nerves. Effective prevention is done by tissue culture vaccine in those areas where there is nearness of forest. There is no treatment.


Amongst important diseases following one need prevention and effective control. Anthrax, Black Quarters, Haemorrhagic Septicaemia,Tuberculosis and Johne’S Disease, Brucellosis,isolation of animal and strict hygenic measures are needed to control.
For remaining diseases antimicrobials can be tried.

ANTHRAX : This disease is seen on very less number of occasions now a days after the invention of antibiotics esp. Penicillin . It is caused due to Bacillus Anthracis. Disease causes sudden death in animals without apparent symptoms. The carcase gets bloated. In contact animals can be given higher doses of Penicillin. Disease can be controlled by using spared vaccines as per Veterinarians advice in endemic areas. Where there is no disease recorded in last three years, clean vaccination is not advised by many State Govt authorities.

BLACK QUARTERS: Disease is caused by claustridium charivoei, an anerobic organisms young healthy animals are affected. Infection is mainly through small wounds. There is swelling on the scapular muscles or on quarters, which on pressing gives crepitating sound. There is high fever and animal goes lame. Immediately use of antibiotics locally and parentrally is effective. Prevention can be done by carrying vaccination in endemic areas before mansoon.

HAEMORRHAGIC SEPTICAEMIA : This Disease is caused by organisms known as Pasteurella multocida. The infective agent enters through respiratory tract by inhalation or through feed/water. There is upper respiratory tract infection involving large bronchi and lunge. There is high fever ,watery discharge from nostrils. Animal is off feed, there is odema under the neck. There is respiratory distress. Animal dies if not treated in time. Mostly Buffalo species are affected. Higher antibiotics Tetracyclines,Sulpha Trimethoprim,or Enrofloxacin may be tried in early phases. No oral medication be done. Disease can be prevented by undertaking regular vaccination (GEL TYPE VACCINE) twice a day (Before mansoon and in october).

BRUCELLOSIS : This disease is caused by Brucella abortus. It is a disease of matured animals. It causes great economic loss by causing abortions in pregnant animals. In bulls it causes orchitis. The causative agent enters into body mainly through food/water and through wound even through conjunctival mucous memberance. Organisms locate in gravid uterus and causes inflammation of cotyledons resulting into abartions. It has zoonotic importance.There is no effective treatment. Diagnosis is done by serological examination. Prevention is done by undertaking calf hood vaccination (in females) males are not vaccinatec. Serological examination of all animals isolation of affected animals and calf hood vaccination is advised.

TUBERCULOSIS: It is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infeetion is mostly oral, either through feed or water. The disease has chronic course. Animal becomes weak day by day. In the udder form ,milk is positive for organisms. Diagnosis is by all allergic tests carried out on skim. Positive animals are segregated. There is no treatment. It has zoonotic improtance.

JOHN’S DISEASE: It is caused due to Mycobacterium para-tuber culosis. It has chronic couse. Infection is through oral route. Animal goes on Wasting. There is chronic diarrhoea. In pregnant animal disease appears to be suppressed, how ever on calving the symptoms start again. Diagnosis is done on the basis of allergic tests. There is no treatment. Test, and segregate positive animals.


These disease are carried by Ticks or bitling insects. The important disease are Theilariasis, Babesiosis, Anaplasmasis, Trypanasomiasisn.

THEILARIASIS :This is transmitted by Tciks. In India we have Theilaria annulata and Th.mutans. Th.annulata is pathogenic while Th.mutans is non pathogenic. As the infective stage invades red blood cells, there is weakness ,anaemia,and drop in production. The disease runs in Acute, sub-acuteand chronic form. There is initially high fever, local lymphriode swelling. Animal is dull. Diagnosis is done on blood smear examination. Treatment includes BUTALEX (BUPARVAQUONE) 1.5mg/kg body wt 1/musular. Tetracyclines higher doses are also tried. Supportive treatment such as B.Complex,Iron,Dextrose are given. Blood transfusion/PCV transfusion is also effective.

BABESIOSIS :This is tick bowrne disease. We have Babesia bovis, B.bigermina. Animal shows high fever (uptoloyF). There is coffee coloured urine. Animal may die if not treated. Some animals, because of destruction of red blood cells may show jaundice.

Diagnosis is done on the examination of blood smears. For the treatment BERENIL (DIMENAZEN) @ 7 mgs/kg sub cut is given. IMIDOCARB 9IMIDOCARB DIPROPIONATE) @1-2 mg per kg 1/muscular is also given.

ANAPLASMOSIS : This is insect bourne disease. It has two types. ANAPLASMA CENTRALE AND ANAPLASMA MARGINALE. There is high fever (104-105F). There is red coloured urine. Animal may show jaundice. Animal becomes anaernic. Diagnosis is done on blood smear examination. In the treatment higher doses of antibiotics. TETRACYCLINES @ 10 mgs/kg.body wt 1/muscular is effective.

TRYPANOSO MIASIS : This disease is transmitted by bitting insects from one to another animal. Infected animal shows high fever, there is reduction in production. There is odema over jawl on the brisket. In some animals there is central nervous system involvement. Animal moves in circle, it may dash against wall. Diagnosis is done on blood smear examination. Treatment can be based on one of the following. BERENIL (DIMENAZEN) @7 mg/kg s/c Antricide Prosalt 5 mg/kg wt s/c, Antricide sulphate @ 5 mg/kg s/c, SAMORIN (ISOMETAMEDIUM) 0.5 to 2 mg per kg s/c CYMELARSAN 0.3 to 0.6 mg/kg s/c control of insects by spraying ACARICIDES is important.


Dairy animals suffer from different types of worms. They are Round Worms, Tape Worms, Flukes and Coccidiosis. Young animals suffer more as compared to adult animals. General symptoms include weakness,drop in production and reduced immunity. Intensity of symptoms depends upon worm load and its type. Infection due to Liverfluke/Coccidiosis causes more damage when present. Diagnosis is done on the examination of stools. There are specific effective drugs for the treatment. In broad spectrum anthelmintics. ALBENDAZOL,OXFENDAZOL,INVERMECTIN are suggested. They are effective. They need repeatation after three weeks. In case of coccidiosis sulpha drugs can be given. There are ECTOPARASITIC DISEASES which infect skin. They are due to LICE/MITES. They cause skin lesions. Loss of hair, irritation, suratching are the symptoms. Diagnosis of type of mite can be carried out by examination of skin scrapings. Specific drugs are given for specific infestation.


Dairy animals, due to their high yielding nature are likely to suffer from METABOLIC DISEASES. These are Milk Fever, Ketosis, Post Parturient Haemoglobin Urea and Hypomagneshimia.

MILK FEVER : There is no fever in this disease. This disease is seen mostly during the period of one week before calving to a week after calving. There is acute deficiency of circulating blood calcium. This results in depression, drop in milk yield, and recumbancy. Diagnosis is done on the basis of typical clinical symptoms and history. Treatment of calcium borogluconate 25%solution 200 to 400 ml Intravenously gives quick results. Injection of ivt.D3 is also useful. Prevention can be carried out by anionic mixtures before calving for calcium absorption. They are Ammonium chloride @150 gms/day for 10 days before calving.

KETOSIS : In high yielding animals deficiency of stored energy results in utilising body fact. While energy is available in this process, certain other products such as Ketone bodies (keto acids) are formed. The disease usually occurs during the peak yield phase. Animal passes little urine,it has sweet odur to its breath,it drops in production and becomes weak. Diagnosis is done by examination of Urine,for ketone bodies. Now a days paper strips are available,. In the treatment DEXTROSE 20-50% 500 to 300 ml i/venously along with GLUCO-CORTICOIDS 1/muscularly 3-5 ml are effective. Use of propylene glycol (300-500 gms) orally once/twice a day is effective. Proper feeding in advance pregnancy for storage of energy prevents disease incidance.

POST PARTURIENT HAEMOGLOBINUREA : This disease occurs after calving due to acute deficiency of circulating phosphorus. There is lipid peroxidation of Red blood cell, resulting in its breaking and causing haemoglobinurea. Treatment consists of giving sodium acid phosphate 20% 300-500 ml 1/venously along with oral dosing @100 gms/day. Injection of BOTROPASE, PARAMIND BENZOIC ACID are also effective.

HYPOMAGNESEMIA : Acute deficiency of magnesium, results in high yielding animals due to excessive intake of potassium (green tender leaves feeding during mansoon) Animal becomes restless, it collapses, it has froth at mouth, heart beats are loud. Immediate treatment by using 10% Magnesium sulphate 100-200 ml I/venously will save the animal.

MASTITIS : It is the inflammation of the Udder. The causative agent may be Virus, Bacteria,Fungus or Algae. Non infective cause is deficiency of circulating cirtrate. Causative agent enters through teat sphincter (opening ) mostly after milking (by hand or Machine) When sphincter muscles are yet to close tightly. (45 minutes to 1 ½ hour after milking). Once entered , it has good media to multiply inside the udder. In per acute form animal may die. In Acute case there is high fever, udder is swollen and painful. There is watery milk. In sub acute cases there is little swelting, no fever but milk is not normal. In chronic cases, there is little abnormality in udder how-ever milk quantity as well as quality is depressed. The economic losses due to sub-clinical mastitis are more than clinical mastitis. In this form of disease there is no outward abnormality in the udder. Milk is normal but reduced. Per acute, acute,sub acute form of disease depends upon pathogenicity of organisms their number and defence mechanism status of the udder. As the causative agent enters through teat opening, minor cracks on teat or udder. It is therefore necessary to strictly follow practice of clean milk production. This includes washing of udder, drying (by cloth) of udder, before milking is necessary. Milking by full hand (not by following thumb) is also necessary. Milking when done by hand should be done quickly-completly and comfortably(comforts to cow). After milking all the teats should be dipped in new, non toxic, non irritant disinfectant such as INSTACLEAN (Benzalkonium chloride +0.1%1-6dihexane) is useful it has long residual effect and works even in the presence of organic matter. If this practice is followed, incidance of sub-clinical mastitis can be controlled. In advanced pregnant animals, at the time of drying, all the teats should be infused with antibiotics. This will eliminate chronic mastitis.In the treatment following principles be observed.

  1. Palpate the udder know its feel (hotness,hardness)

  2. Record animals body temperature.

  3. Remove milk from affected milk as frequently as possible.

  4. If udder is hot and painful to touch,foment by ice/or cold water. Give antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID) intra muscular.

  5. After removal of milk push in suitable antibiotic onitment as per the advice of veterinarian.

  6. Always try to prevent, control mastitis than to treat the case.

  7. After calving (from 15th day to 200 days of calving)examine milk from each teat by simple cow-side C.M.T.(California Mastitis Test) once in 15 days. This will detect sub clinical mastitis in time and effective control measures can be taken.

Mastitis is a man made disease, it needs proper hygenic measures to be adopted for udder care for control.