Cotton and sunflower solvent refined moved up

Here both cotton and sunflower solvent refined moved up by Rs.3 each to Rs. 265 per 10 kg respectively. Castor seeds opened at Rs.1,313 a quintal after it closed at Rs.1,308 on the previous day while the groundnut oil remained unchanged at Rs. 380 per 10 kg. In imported oil, RBD palmolein was at Rs.221 per 10 kg while the previous close was of Rs.220. RBD palmolein October contract opened at Rs.219.50 per 10 kg and closed at Rs.219.75. Soyabean refined and soyabean crude eased by Re.1 and Rs.2 at Rs.236 and Rs.206 per 10 kg respectably.

Market Update
(Oil Seeds)