Mixed sugar trends

On Wednesday a mixed trend was witnessed in the Navi Mumbai wholesale sugar market. The trading activity got disruption as heavy rains continued to lash the metropolis.

Small sugar (S-30) remained unaltered at Rs. 1,470/1,510 a quintal. On the other hand, medium grade (M-30) moved up to Rs.1,500/1,545 a quintal against its previous level of Rs. 1,498/1,540 due to restricted arrivals.

Sugar for check-post ruled lower and were quoted at Rs 1,450/1,545 a quintal for small qualities and Rs.1,480/1,495 a quintal for medium qualities. Sugar for ex-mill deliveries also declined to Rs. 1,400/1,415 a quintal for S-30 grade and Rs. 1,425/1,445 for M-30 grade as reported by market sources.

Market Update