Production trends in Milk

The production trend for milk, the basic raw material of the world’s dairy industry is perhaps unique amongst agricultural commodities it changes little (by 1or 2 perent) from year to year. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, most milk production (65 percent) is concentrated in the developed countries. Here, output in many countries is limited by production restraints.

The above trends are expected to result in a shifting the balance of milk production away from the developed countries to the developing countries. By the year 2005, developing countries are anticipated to account for over 40 percent of world milk production, a share that could be expeccted to grow further during the course of the next century. Additionally, the shifting of the balance of production towards the developing countries will also imply the increased importance of milk other than from cows in the total picture of the world’s production.

Market Update
(Milk Products)