
Gavar beans are very much liked by many people as vegetables. They are tasty and nutritious because they belong to leguminous group. Gavar has demand all the year round and hence it is grown throughout the year where irrigation facilities are available. Gavar seeds are used for preparing gum. Therefore, it has industrial importance. Gavar-gum has many industrial uses. Gavar plants at tender stage are also used as green manuring crop.


Climate and Soils:

Gavar is grown in hot and humid climate, temperature ranging from 20 to 300C and medium rainfall of 1000 to 1500 mm. Soils required are medium black with medium depth and good drainage. pH 7.5 to 8 Light soils are also suitable but more manures are to be applied.


Land preparation:

Two ploughings crosswise and two-three harrowings to break clods and mix FYM thoroughly.


  1. Pusa Sadabahar
  2. Pusa Mosami
  3. Pusa Navbahar
  4. Sharad Bahar



In Maharashtra, Gavar is mainly grown in Kharif (June/July) and Summer (January/February) seasons. Gavar is grown on ridges and furrows 45-60 cm apart and seeds are dibbled on both the sides of ridges at 20-30 cm distance. Two seeds are dibbled at each hill and seed is soaked in water for 2-3 hours before sowing. Per hectare seed rate is 12-15 kg.


Manures and Fertilizers:

For irrigated crops 20-25 MT of FYM per hectare is applied at the time of land preparation and mixed properly. Fertilizers are – 25 kg Nitrogen, 50 kg Phosphate and 50 kg Potash Half the quantity of Nitrogen and full quantities of Phosphate and Potash are given at the time of sowing and remaining quantity of N is given after 3 weeks.



Two-three weedings and one thinning of seedlings after 10-11 days.


  1. Kharif – 10-12 days interval (total 10-12 turns).
  2. Summer – 5-6 days interval (total 20-22 turns)


Plant protection:

The crop is affected by aphids and hoppers. For this monocrotophos or methyl, Dimeton 20 ml or Dimethoate 15 ml in 10 litre water should be sprayed. The crop is also affected by diseases like powdery mildew ,wilt,etc. For this seed should treated before sowing with Thirum 4 gm per kg.



When the crop is grown for vegetable, tender beans should be harvested. The beans come in cluster and in different flushes. So they should be harvested regularly every after 2-3 days. Yield of green beans varies from 80-120 Q/ha.



Gavar is marketed locally as well as in distant markets. When marketed locally, it is sold directly to consumers or to village traders who sell to consumers. When sent to distant markets, it is sold through commission agents to wholesalers, retailers and finally to consumers. Gavar beans are generally packed in gunny bags and transported by tempos or trucks to distant markets.